Some of the eye diseases that should not be ignored

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Some eye diseases due to their dangerous side effects should not be ignored and treated as soon as possible. Here are some of these eye diseases.


Like a camera, the eye has a lens that focuses light on the retina at the back of the eye. The lens can become cloudy – a condition known as a cataract – limiting vision and making it difficult to read or drive, especially at night. As cataracts advance, you may have difficulty recognizing faces from a distance or reading street signs.

Cataracts develop with age. Everyone will develop significant cataracts if we live long enough. It’s most common in people in their seventies. Cataract surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens with a new one. It’s one of the most common ambulatory surgeries performed. Surgery takes place in the office, and you don’t need general anesthesia. The recovery is relatively quick. Trauma, inflammation in the eye, or other medical conditions, like diabetes, can cause cataracts to develop more quickly.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

The macula is the small, central part of the retina which is necessary for sharp, straight-ahead vision – the vision you need for reading or driving. AMD is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss among people 60 and older.

There are two types of AMD. Dry AMD [or atrophic] results from aging and thinning of the macula, and accounts for 80 percent of AMD cases. Twenty percent progress to wet AMD [neovascular]. Wet AMD can cause severe vision loss due to growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retina, which leak blood and fluid.

Besides age, other AMD risk factors include family history, smoking, and high blood pressure. There are currently no treatments for dry AMD, but wet AMD can be treated with drugs or laser surgery.

Retinal Detachment

When the retina (sensitive and receptive to the light behind the eye) is removed from other tissues of the eye, there is a very serious and dangerous situation that can temporarily eliminate and blurred the person’s eyesight and include signs such as increased light sparks and The deterioration of the field of vision is an environment in which a person feels that he or she has covered a curtain or a shadow over his eyes. Retinal detachment is considered a very important problem, because in the absence of treatment, in almost all cases, blindness will occur.


Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which sends information from the retina to the brain. Typically, people with glaucoma experience no symptoms. Glaucoma is diagnosed by evaluating the two most common risk factors: elevated eye pressure and physical changes to the nerves inside the eye. With glaucoma, the nerve changes appearance because portions of it are dying. Over time, this loss of nerve tissue can be seen with magnification. Risk factors include age, family history, using steroid-based medications may increase pressure inside the eye.

Potentially serious conditions can go undetected without a comprehensive eye exam. If you haven’t had an eye exam in some time, make an appointment. If you detect any changes in your vision, see an eye doctor right away. Comprehensive exams help spot potentially serious eye problems early on, when treatment can still slow or prevent vision loss.


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